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Google Just Launched Analytics 4 - Here's are our top 4 exciting features available right NOW!

Google Just Launched Analytics 4 - Here's are our top 4 exciting features available right NOW!

Google Analytics 4 (formally known as App + Web) is an exciting new feature released for Google Analytics. In fact, it's not even a feature... it's an entirely new Google Analytics experience. In this article we discuss the benefits, tradeoffs, and reasons why you should start using it as soon as possible!

Proactive Analytics – A Lean Approach to Web Analytics and Digital Strategy

Proactive Analytics – A Lean Approach to Web Analytics and Digital Strategy

Harness the full potential of web analytics. Proactive Analytics is a method for bringing your analytics game to the next level.

Using Machine Learning in Google BigQuery for Marketing Analytics (part 2)

Using Machine Learning in Google BigQuery for Marketing Analytics (part 2)

BigQuery’s Machine Learning (BQML) capabilities allows for the development of models with ease using Standard SQL. This allows marketers to uncover and predict what will work in their future digital marketing campaigns based upon prior data.

What is BigQuery to marketers and why should marketers be using it?  (part 1)

What is BigQuery to marketers and why should marketers be using it? (part 1)

BigQuery is a data warehousing platform that allows marketers to uncover what’s working and what can be improved in their digital marketing campaigns.

Installing Campaign Manager Floodlight Tags using Google Tag Manager

Installing Campaign Manager Floodlight Tags using Google Tag Manager

Floodlight Counter and Sales tags are vital to tracking conversions of your Campaign Manager and DV360 campaigns. This article is about how they work and how they can be installed using Google Tag Manager (GTM).